Thursday, August 30, 2012

Disability is finally approved...

FINALLY i got approved for disability. 10 months later.   We managed to survive and keep bills paid for 10 months with just one income, my wife even has 2 jobs for a while to make sure they were paid.   She is a special person to me. I know i would be a total mess without her. I definitely dont give her enough credit.

I  am learning all of this as things go of which is the govt is very very slow.
The other is that the govt dose not really expect you to 'live' if you are sick.  I was approved for $920 a month.  Sure its better than a kick in the butt, but realistically how is a sick person meant to get by on this amount?  Even a healthy person, could not make it on this.  House payment and electric eats all of what i get, and it takes more than that to live in this world.  We dont qualify for any govt help, because on paper we make to much.

So i am excited.. at least something is going our way, will help us get by month to month if nothing else.
Although now i am left with the puzzle of what about my health?  How do i cover all the test's and bills that are coming my way.  Until now my doc has held off on doing any test unless she felt it was really needed, she knows our situation, and she is waiting until medicare or something kicks in.  Sadly so are we... it has been 3 months now and we have got no news on any medical coverage.  We filled out all the paperwork, took in all the required documents, and are sitting here waiting. Once again, the govt is Slow.
We all know this to be true, but when your life is on a time limit its a bit more frustrating.

So as of now we are doing ok month to month.  Nothing left over to put in savings, or splurge on things, but at least we can cover the basic's and keep bills paid and have food in the house for a change.

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