Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Called the doc today..

So yesterday got my pain meds,  But it was the wrong amount. So after being on the phone and on hold for a while, they checked and what a suprise..   *lol*.. 
 At least i wont have to go a week without pain meds.. I have to tell ya, that sucked big time.
But i have only had 2 pain pills today and i am feeling 100% better than what i was 2 days ago.
Moving around with no problem..  i am a little stiff, and soar but thats expected.  Even when i was taking the full dosage of 8mg of Morphine a day, I was still hurting.   But nothing like without it..

The pain is on the right side just below the rib cage and all the way down to the pelvic bone, then wraps around to just about the spine.    I do have a little pain that comes and goes on the left side.  But from talking to others in my situation, that is not unusual.  The liver is on the right side, and some times it kicks the kidney up and causes it to hurt.  As long as its once in a while i am not to worried.

Last night i slept SSSsoooooooo good. I cant describe how that felt, after over a week with maby 8 hours sleep the whole time,  to go to bed at 9pm last night and pass out and sleep until 3am this morning was so nice.... and i even went back to bed after  school started and napped for a couple of more hours.

Jordi is at home today, she said she threw up once this morning when she was gettting dressed, and her tummy and throat hurt.  So decided to keep her home just to be safe.    The sad part is its just her and i at home.. So hopefully i wont end up catching what she has.   I am not sure how my body would handle that on top of what i already have.

I have supper fixed, and ready,  Delilah is off with alec he had a dentist apointment.  After that its a lazy evening.

Hope everyone is doing good that is reading this.
More later.

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