Sunday, September 16, 2012

Car repair....

Well our mechanic stoped by today to do some work on the Dodge, the gaskets on the valve covers were going, and leaking, so he put new gaskets on and plugs and wires.   Nice guy, and a very good mechanic.
we are keeping him in spare jobs, but its cheaper than a shop, and quality work.

Still have to get the explore fixed, bearings are going on the front left, after that i hope that is all that is wrong with it for a long time.  For a cheap $2000 car, it sure has cost us.   But you can buy a new car for several thousand, or buy a decent running used car and invest the money as you go.  There is no such thing any more as a 'cheap' reliable car.  to many people just dont get the idea of preventive maintenance.  They just drive it into the ground and then sell it.  Call me odd, but i'd rather know i can jump in the car and make a emergency run to some where if needed, without worrying, than hop in and hope you are going to make it.

I am still not sure about the cars making the trips to Seattle though, that is a Long drive, i am sure they probably would be fine (once the exploder is fixed)  but, still, i think our best bet when that time rolls around is to rent a car, aliveate any of the worries about breaking down and what to do with it hundreds of miles away from home, not to mention how to get around once back home.  But thats a ways off, we will have to decide on that when time gets closer.

I actually got a little sleep last night, it was in small chunks, but hey, i will take it,  we went to bed around 9pm and i passed out and didnt wake up until around 12am.  Got something to eat and played online a little, and then went back to bed for a few hours and slept, until it was time for delilah to get up, and was up with her for a while, then i think i went back to bed around 5am, and slept until 10am.  

Sleep is such a pain for me any more. So i take what i can get when i can get it and dont argue.

Well, have to run, need to go to town and pick up some meds before they put them back, been meaning to the past couple of days, but keep forgetting until it was to late in the day.    Hopefully they will have my pain med script ready tomorrow and i can go pick them up. If not i am not going to be a happy camper tomorrow evening.

Be back.

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