Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Fear of HE

 hepatic encephalopathy or HE is a condition that occurs when a damaged liver cannot remove the toxins that a healthy liver normally would. These toxins then pass into the blood and travel through the system until they reach the brain. They can then damage the brain and cause HE. People with liver damage, which is also known as cirrhosis, are most likely to get HE

 For those who would like to see a short trailer of a new film coming out on HE please go to
https://www.hesback.com/   and cluck "view Trailer".

Not everyone that has liver issues with or without cerossis end up having the effects of HE,
but it is a very real and serious part of the journey.

This above all the other issues  with this condition bothers me the most.   The effects dont always
stop after the transpant. In some cases once the damage is done,  its perminante.

hmmm ok i am going to have to come back to this.. i thought i was ready to write about this, but not yet... it is to much for me right now. Just watching the trailer had me crying like a baby.  Facing the reality that  this may be my future, and near future not distant future scares the crap out of me.

ok, i will try to do this page a little at a time so check back.. It is going to take me a while.

Feel free to read through the links.

Sorry, not much update today,  might later,   just not in the mood to type so far today, to much to worry and think about.  This is one of those days where everything is just overwhelming.

one of those days i guess

He is not something you get, and then in a few days get over.  HE changes you.  Some cases the people are never who they were.  The thought of liviing life being someone else scares the crap out of me.
Not to mention what it dose to the ones who you are closest to.
   This is a huge fear for me.  I hope i am one of the lucky ones and avoid it for the most part.

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