Monday, September 24, 2012

My first wife...

This is a long story, and a little hard to post.

I was young, just turned 20, had a job, and was renting a place, things were good. Then i met her...
there just was something about her that caught my eye, not sure exactly what it was.
(I have one photo left but not posting it, it has my ex and my ex best friend and his girl friend at the time in it.)

As time progressed, we started dating, things went well, she was talking about moving in with me, but that never happened.   But we got closer and closer, and finally after a year or so i knew it was time, so i proposed to her.  She said Yes.

So we started planning a wedding, and man did time fly, it didnt take long at all and it was time to get married.  Which was ok with me because i knew it was the person i was going to be with for the rest of my life... (ya notice how that worked out.....).

We rented a small house in Joplin Mo. had the normal struggles new couples do, but the struggles didnt bother me, i found someone to be with forever.   or so i thought.

Eventually we moved to a house in Webb City mo.  There we met 2 boys, just turning of age, so we kind of took them under our wing and helped them out when we could.  We became like a small family, they had their apartment below us, and we had ours. 

The years went by and all of us got closer, but the house we were living in was due for major construction, so we had to find some place else to live,   My wife and i bought a trailer for the time being, and rented a space in a park just north of town.   The boys moved right along with us, and rented a trailer directly across from us almost.     Their dad and his step mom had a trailer in the same park.  I am not a fan of trailer's but they do work some times.   

 Jeff (the older of the boys) were into music. I knew a little on guitar so i taught him what i knew, and he walked off and left me sitting in the dust. *lol*   Within a year or two, he was darn good.  I was not that dedicated, i liked to play a bit, but nothing to serious. but we had sat. Jam sessions, and taught each other things.

Jeff came home one day and found a place that had rent to own spots... we checked them out, there were 3 trailers on 5 acres of land, not a bad price for it all, so my wife and i talked it over and  the boys decided together, and we each ended up doing the ppw to get one.   They were right next to each other, out of town, 10 acres of land between us... we had it made... could be as loud as we wanted and no one cared. Life was great.

Then jeffs brother moved out and his girl friend moved in with him. Which was better, gals could have their time, we could have ours.

Our trailer was a big 3 bedroom, so we took the master bedroom and turned it into a music room.  By the time everything was said and done, we had all you would need for a full recording studio, including instruments. Which between us, someone could play every one of them.
I played , lead, rhythm and bass guitar, as well as drums (thanks to jeff teaching me.  Although gave my drum set to a friend when i moved to montana.)  Lisa, my ex could play Piano,  i could pick at it, but not seriously play it.   We had what every growing kid wanted... and we had a blast on weekends...

Eventually Jeff started going to a church in town.    The wife and i were going to one, but it just didnt work out.   But the church jeff was going to had live music every sunday, so he was playing lead guitar, they had a drummer, but they needed a piano player and a bass player. So naturally the wife and i jumped in and helped.  
We had to learn 6 diffrent songs every week, it was quite  the work out, normally we would spend all day sat. learning them, then play them sunday am.

Jeff and i got close over the years, i treated him like a brother.    Jeff and my wife, i would of died for at the drop of a hat. Without question.   We were loyal to each other...............  or so i thought.

So one day we go to church, and play our newly learned songs, and then sit down for the sermon, the preacher there is talking about divorce, and what and why and what not, i really didnt pay a lot of attention to it...   although i should have....

That night i had to go to work,  i was working from 3pm to 12am, second shift, it was not a bad job, or schedule.    So i go to work...  wow, never told this to anyone before, so its kind of hard to type out......
Do my regular schedule and come home,  as i get close to the house i notice the car we just bought is gone. Which i thought was unusual, but didnt think anything of it,  so i go in the house,  everything seems ok in the living room, the new furniture and tv we just bought the week before was there... nothing unusual, then i spot a note sitting on the kitchen counter.  So i'm thinking, went out with a friend be back late... yada yada..... so i get the note and open it, and before i knew it i was sitting in the floor just staring at it.    Nope no friend,  Jeff and Lisa decided they were leaving together, in our car, with  the trunk full of the stuff from the house (i noticed things later, not that i cared at that point.)

   I was devastated.  This is the person i was meant to spend my whole life with, to grow old with, to have my "jim and Grace" and that was before i knew Jim and Grace.. but i knew then that was what i wanted.
  Days passed and no word,    I never did get a explanation as to why, or what caused it... years later i got divorce ppw in the mail, when i was living in montana.... sadly i just could not bring my self to sighn it...  i just coundt admit it was over...

jeff's brother ended up in prision, for shooting some guy in the leg.. he was the wild one... ooohh the stories i could tell.. we use to have fun when we were younger..  but you grow up and things change, and people break your heart...  such is life i guess..

Jeff always asked me what our wedding song was, i would never tell him, not because i didnt remember, but because it was personal to me, i didnt share everything with everyone... Never have, this blog is the most i have shared in the past 30 years.
  Our wedding song was "I'm going to love you forever."
 Silly me actually believed it... how stupid was I?

What they did changed me, left a hole..still there today,  someone you trust with your life, and would give yours for them in a second, and they do something like this.
Sure things were not always great with us, but over all, i dont think it was to bad.

I know a friend that has her email, and before long i am going to have to write her a letter.. I have tryed several times, but just cant bring my self to complete it.. To much pain and bad memories.
But just in case things go south, i need to for my piece of mind.

well, thats that story for today... i may add more to this later, or may not..  Thanks for reading.

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