Monday, September 3, 2012

Its Monday

Yesterday was not bad at all, I felt good until the last few hours. Which is rare,  Today on the other hand its past noon and i just woke up, took my pain pills and am hoping they kick in soon.  

The kids are enjoying their last day off from school, summer vacation is coming to a end once again. They are not excited about it, but know they have no choice.

So today they are playing, Jordi is online and alec is watching some cartoons on PBS.  Bed early tonight for them. And the battle will start at 7am tomorrow.

I see by my stats that i am getting quite the following. over 50 people have checked my blog so far today, which is good. I am glad that typing all of this out and keeping it updated is worth it.  When i started this i honestly did not know if anyone would even bother reading it, let alone come back. So i guess it is my job now that i know people are reading it, to make it a bit interesting.  Which could be a challenge since i kind of have a boring life.

The clock is ticking for general hunt for hunting season to start. I am getting a little excited, and nervous at the same time.   I honestly dont know if i can get out there and hunt this year. But i am going to try, and i am hoping to fill my tags this year.  One big bull elk and one big buck.  Last year i got skunked, went out, but just never saw anything to take a shot at.  I blame the wolves in the area, putting to much pressure on the elk.  I know many are pro wolf, but i am not one of them.

My opinion is this.. They made a HUGE mistake re-introducing the wolves to Montana. For one , we already had them here, so why put more.  The other and main reason i am against them is many in Montana count on hunting season to fill their freezer, Montana as great as it is to live in , is a very poor state. Most get by paycheck to paycheck and that is it.  Good jobs are few and far between. So during hunting season when a family can get 300 pounds of extra meat, or more, it is very important to their survival throughout the year.
Since they have introduced the wolves i have known many families that use to count on the hunt to feed their kids end up getting nothing the whole hunting season.  

When i first moved here, the first year i was out with friends opening day, we saw elk by the thousands, literally.  When i shot my first elk, it was in a bunch of about 40.   I have seen herds of elk so big that when they crossed the interstate they stooped all traffic, not because there were a 'few' of them, but because there were thousands of them.

In the past few years, i have not seen any large groups of elk, last year the largest i saw was  before hunting season, and there were only about 30.     During hunting season, i went a lot of places last year, i bet all total i covered around 300 miles of area, driving the back roads of the mountains looking for tracks to go follow.  Sadly, i saw very few tracks from elk, and i did not see any elk at all. Not a single one, we did find a few groups of deer (mulie) but they were all doe's and all we could do was walk amongst them and watch.  There was one Buck last year, but a hunter beat us to it.

So in a nut shell, no i am not a fan of wolfs i understand that they are a part of the landscape but i think their numbers need brought down quite a bit.  It seems as though the ones in charge have put wolf's needs above families needs.  I would much rather see a family who is broke and trying to fill their freezer get a elk than a wolf.

And while we are on the subject of hunting.  I think the state needs a new system. They need "horn" tags and "meat" tags.  so the people that are out hunting just to have something to put on their wall can only shoot a bull elk with a specific size of horn or bigger.  while the ones hunting for food are allowed to shoot either sex elk. 

I have got many elk and deer over the years, and the largest horns i have is a 3 point.  as a friend use to say. "you cant eat the horns".   Sure this year is a little different, i am looking for a big rack, to have something to put on the wall, a nice 6point would be sweet.  But it is only because its possible this is my last hunting season, and if not my last, it is my last for many years.  By next year i dont expect to be able to get out there. So a nice set of horns would be nice.

I am hoping we can get the exploder fixed by hunting season so i can take it out, but i am not counting on it. Odds are i will have to bum a ride from people.  The front drivers side is having issues with the bearings, in the old days i could have fixed this, but instead we have to pay the shop $600  plus to fix it for us.
We have so much in that darn thing, i will be driving it for a LONG time.   Sadly we have to much invested to sell it, all the things that have gone wrong over the past couple of years. It is a good running vehicle, i cant complain, when  it dosent have something going wrong with it, i would not hesitate hopping in it and driving anywhere, (although not the greatest on gas).  But i bet we have some where around $7000 invested in it.  Quite a bit for a $2000 vehicle.   Thats not counting the tires i put on last fall. which were just under $800.  I could have got cheaper tires, but figured if we are stuck with it, might as well buy a set that is going to last a while.  I probably wont have to mess with the tires for the next 10 years with the ones i got for it.

Went to church again yesterday,  the kids are not thrilled but some good influence in their life is not a bad  thing.  They are not sure what they think about it yet.  I like the minister, his sermons are down to earth, last night was great, it was aimed at the kids, telling them to avoid trouble, dont go with the flow just because everyone else is.  It was a good message and i have to say the first time i have seen any church do something like that.  he covered a lot of the pressures and troubles that kids face today and encouraged them to be strong and avoid the bad parts of life.  Now weather they took anything home from it or not is a different story, but its not because he did not try to help them.

Well, thats about it for this morning.  I may update later.  My pain meds are starting to kick in, which is a good thing.  Gota start thinking about something for supper again.  told the kids yesterday they can eat grass for supper.. there is a lot out in the yard. *lol* it didnt go over well.

Ok gang, thanks for reading, share the link if you want.  Let me know if i'm to boring or if my typing is to bad and spelling is way off. :)

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