Friday, September 14, 2012

Catching up

It has been a few days since i have posted.  Not because i dont like you reading, but as you could probably tell from my previous post, i have been under the weather the past few days.

Extra pain has been driving me nuts, one day i spent most the day laying in bed, hurting.  I have not been able to keep anything down the past 3 days, everything i have eaten has come back up.  Sleep is erratic, and short, the rest of the time i have been miserable.  But maybe today is a turn around, its 3am, i have been up for a few hours.  Got something to eat when i got up, and so far its staying down. YEA!!!!!

Ok so catch up time.. lets see what has happened.

well for starters , Lil Miss Jordi got a spanking... she has had attitude since school started, and the other evening, she pushed her luck to far.   She was being a turd and mouthing off, doing home work, or rather not doing home work as the case was....  she got attitude and pushed her pencil so hard on her paper that she tore it, and then was mouthing off to delilah, after a little while to let her blow off some steam, i stepped in and told her to straighten up, and do her work.. no results, she kept pushing and pushing, so after a while i told her,, thats it, i have had enough, it was time for a spanking, and went looking around the living room for a belt.  To which she decided to really push her luck and mouth of. I asked 'mom'  where her belt was, jordi pipes off "you can spank me , we dont have a belt anywhere in the house". 

*LOL* ohhhh what fun she is going to be as a teenager....    To this i froze in my tracks, knowing well there was NO way i could back down now or she would have the upper hand and think she was in control, which she has this problem with her mom.
So once i gained my composure and kept myself from cracking up laughing at her lil stubborn determination, i turned to her and said "your right... I dont need a belt to spank you"  and swatted her butt a few times.

Things have been great ever since. I guess she was just pushing and testing her limits for the year.   That is the second time i have ever had to spank her, and the way things played out, there is no way i could back down. Normally she is great, and fun to be around, but something has bothered her lately, now its my job to figure out why she was doing what she was.. which may take some time.   But we shall see.
Afterwards i had to run to the store to get some stuff for supper, when i got back, things were normal, she came in the kitchen and was sheepishly talking to me about school work, until i reached over and gave her a hug, then things were ok again.      She is going to be my challenge. But what a fun challenge she will become.

The smoke her has not gotten any better.  We went to Hamilton tonight to get a few things and i took a picture of the smoke on my way back home...  not a great site to see.  odds are this smoke is going to be around for a while.

I have made no progress at all on medical coverage, which is frustrating,  but its friday, so its prity much done for the weekend.  Mabye start working on things again monday, depending on how i am feeling.

I hope everyone is doing fine.  I am going to run for now. May update more later.

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