Monday, September 17, 2012

Life as we know it...

There are many things going on right now around the world, and here at  home that worry me.

I have told friends for years now, to stock up on food and supplies, and get ready for things to go south.
Sadly i myself have not managed to do this.   Things just have not worked out, but due to my location,
i am not to worried. Food is abundant, as long as i can stock up on Ammo between now and then.

I know many are reading this thinking, what is this nut talkin about.  Well, sadly its looking like things are getting serious and we are getting close to the time when those stocked up supplies would be needed.

If you look at all the news that is coming in, things are looking like they may change and not for the better.

Lets start with QE3.   Bernakie's  We will print more money to cover what we need..  This whole idea is just a ticking time bomb waiting to implode.    Stop and think about what our great government is doing... and switch the roles as if it was you or i..    The U.S. Govt is printing 40Billion Dollars a month , EVERY month to cover our cost until things level out... (was on the news last week.)
Quantitative Easing was considered as a last resort attempt to move our economy into a better stance, While a last ditch effort, there was a remote chance it could of worked, so they tried it.   It didnt work....

So later on, they tryed it again... it had a few benefits.... but in the end.. no improvement, it just postponed things.

So Lets do it again, except this time, lets do it every month until things get better.

Have you ever taken a 'payday loan'?    Your bills went up and you are now $100 short for the month to cover your bills, So you go get a loan, this loan cost you $50 a week extra to maintain, So you pay the loan and because of the extra money you spent on the loan, you need $150 this month. So you get another loan to make it by for the month, and it cost you $50 for the loan.   Now the next month you are short $200 for the month in covering your bills.   The cycle keeps going until your entire check is going to the loan place.
What you earn is worth less each time because you end up having less of it each month.

This is basically what we are doing every month until we implode upon our self and end up owing more than we make.
Many countries have already dumped the dollar as a standard to base things against. More will follow.

Anyone know why this QE started?  Its simple, a couple of years ago, we owed china money, but we didnt have it. So instead we offered china collateral, I.E. Our mortgage notes.  Last year these notes came due, and we did not have the money to buy them back. So china said, fine we will just claim our land, we own the deeds.  our govt knew this would cause Huge problems, so they invented Quantitative Easing. (been around a while but u.s. has never tryed it on large scale before.)     Lets print the money, give to them and get our deeds back.  All worked fine, but the dollar was left weak, because everyone knows when you print money with nothing to back it, it makes all the money less valuable.   So we went along and managed to keep our heads above water until the recession/depression hit thanks to the banks screwing us over.  So we did it again,  Now the dollar was worth even less.   Now we are bordering Depression and economical collapse because of mis managed funds so lets just start printing money until we cant any more.

Combine this with America's Leaders need to stick their nose in everything and make people not like us, and things get real messy.   
Right now we are on the brink of WW3.  Not that any of us want it, but the conditions are there, not only can it happen, but it almost has to happen, sadly finacing a war is about the only way out of this situation.

But the problem for you and me is going to be from the time things start to fall apart until after a war levels out. 

QE3, Problems in the middle east, Unemployment, low earning reports for major companies..

Things are going to get nasty soon.   if i had to guess, it would be next summer.  They are not going to let things fall apart during the election or at least i dont see them, unless obama stays in power. (which he has the power to do, per the bills passed into law 3 years ago..)    So there is a little time left to prepare, get out of debt as much as possible, stock up on non perishable food and ways to protect yourself.

Ya i know, many read things like this all the time with no results, but if you actually sit down and look at all the news that is coming out now days, things do not look good...

anyway, thats my rant for this early am.  Would be nice if it was just  blowing wind, but sadly i think things will come to pass.      Take this for what you will.

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